The synergy of profession and passion: psychologist Thomas Graf inspires with his folk-rock storytelling.

Who wouldn't sometimes like to be transported back to the 60s, when Dylan became the idol of a musical protest movement and the Stones made their international breakthrough? It was a time of storytellers, new beginnings and courage. Thomas Graf's folk-rock storytelling catapults you into precisely this mood and at the same time gives you a completely new interpretation of timeless musical roots.

The singer-songwriter impresses with a comprehensive repertoire of music. For more than 30 years, he has been telling musical stories about life breaks, hope, friendship, love, defeats and regaining strength. Because Thomas Graf is profound and sings about his own experiences and topics that he deals with every day in his psychology studies. Since 2019, he has been delighting his fans with recordings of his best songs from three decades, inspired by his predecessors Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan and Lucinda Williams.

The budding psychologist has a mission: "I want to take people on a journey where they meet themselves and find a bit of redemption through my music". 

Live, Thomas Graf, both solo and accompanied by Lori Lorenzen, thrills audiences in the Munich area, for example at the popular Munich Tollwood Festival. But the folk-rock musician also sells out concerts in his old home on Lake Constance. 

Brave", the neo-folk-rock musician's fourth album, was released on February 23, 2024. The album deals with topical themes about overcoming fears, ideological seduction, courage to face life and friendship. The psychological background packaged in inspiring lyrics, together with the sounds of folk, rock, blues and even a little gospel, made it directly to the album of the week at SR2-Kulturradio.

Listen to Thomas Graf's music